This year we will have nine shoots taking place with the best seven scores counting in both the club & class / category competitions. There are 14 clubs participating
A shooters class for 2022 will be determined by the average of their best six scores from the 2019 league. New shooters will be classed after their initial three scores have been submitted, however their scores will be classed on the day and included in the clubs average for the club competition.
In relation to the club scoring system for 2022, a club average will be used. This will be the combined scores of the club shooters including a new handicap allocation (see club handicaps below) It will not include any score under 25.
New Club Handicaps: (AAA & AA =0), (A= +1), (B= +3), (C= +6), (D= +9).
Class Bands:
(AAA)=45 and above, (AA)= 41 to 44.99, (A) = 36 to 40.99, (B) 32 to 35.99, (C) 27 to 31.99
(D) Under 26.99
The above handicaps will only be added to the shooters score in relation to the clubs average. They will not apply to the individual classes / category sections. In other words the “Raw” score shot by a shooter in his / her relevant class / category is what will determine their placing in each of the classes / category competitions.
Eligibility To Shoot:
A shooter must have a valid firearms licence for the gun in his / her possession and carry it with them during the league shoots.
A shooter must have individual insurance and carry proof of this while attending league shoots. It is the shooters responsibility to ensure they are listed in the correct club, class & category. Errors & omissions can only be corrected during & straight after week 1.
No changes will be accepted once the 2nd shoot has commenced. So please check your details when registering at the first shoot.
2022 League Calendar
No. | DATE | VENUE |
1 | 12th & 13th March | COURTLOUGH |
XXX | 19th & 20th March | St Patricks W/End -No shoot |
2 | 26th & 27th March | MILLHILLL |
3 | 2nd & 3rd April | CREEG WOOD – NOBBER |
4 | 9th & 10th April | ARDEE CPC |
5 | 16th & 17th April | ORIEL – (Easter W/End) |
6 | 23rd & 24th April | BALLIVOR |
7 | 30th Apr & 1st May | HEMPSTOWN (May B/Holiday) |
8 | 7th & 8th May | BRAY CPC |
9 | 14th & 15th May | NAUL CPC |
21st &22nd May | Presentation weekend – Hosted by Winning Club (TBC) |