Mill Hill is a Sporting, FITASC, Compak and Sportrap clay pigeon shooting club located in the north east of County Meath on the border adjoining county Louth on the eastern seaboard side of the island of Ireland. The club was founded in 1978 by a number of local enthuastics in order to encourage and promote clay shooting in the local area. Sean McKenna who is a founder member of the club and upon whose land the club grounds are situated and clubhouse is built,the grounds which the club have use of are part of an over 400 acre actively working dairy farm.
The grounds are part of the formerly known Mooretown Estate, and are steeped in sporting tradition, mainly hunting, dating back to 1700. The farm was formally owned by Arthur Forbes Esq. (1828), there are several plantations and a registered fox cover that was built in 1840, most of which was part of the work that was known as the famine relief work. There after Thomas Rutherford acquired the land in 1848, followed by the Moore family in 1896 till it was purchased by the present owner Sean McKenna in 1988.
Mill Hill, with its undulating countryside and drumlin type topography has been host to many national competitions and is widely recognised from within the sport as one of best sporting and FITASC grounds the country has to offer. Mill Hill hosted the 2005 Sporting Home International, 2010 FITASC Home International and again in 2011 the Sporting Home International

Back Row – Bernard Ward, Padraig Malone, Joe Smith, Freddie Mc Kenna, Roddy Crummins, Robert Cavanagh, Fintan Murphy, Malachy Matthews, Paul Carron, Matt Dunne, G Kelly.
Front Row – Mickey French, Gerry Woods, Sean Mc Kenna, Gerry Reilly, Colin Dunne, Eddie Mc Kenna, Shane Mc Kenna, Tom Murray.