That’s round 2 done and dusted !
Well there wasn’t much dust about today but the conditions under foot somewhat better than the first round. Although the Rocket looper on stand 3 and sim pair on stand 6 did lend themselves to some spectacular balls of dust as they were vaporized and vanished in the wind.
Well did have some rain in there afternoon but could have been alot worse if you were to go by the forecast predicted on Friday last.
Thanks to everyone who turned out today and took part, there seemed to be a lot of positive feedback this evening and it makes all the hard work worth the time and effort when we hear that positive feedback.
Anyway we get back to some club shooting for a few weeks and see you all again at the end of January for the final round.
Today’s results are in the link to the website
The sheet with the two shoots will be posted in the next few days.
Thanks to Rebecca for the use of some of her images from today.
Chat soon